Kreft Group has a very strong track record in successful SAP implementations. We bring a straightforward approach to our work. We can help you avoid the pitfalls; so often the downfall of many ERP implementations. Kreft Group's Advisory Services guide you and your organization through these potential pitfalls taking your best interest at heart. Ultimately we can help you lower TCO
and increase ROI.
Our portfolio of Advisory and QA Services include:
Successfully completing an SAP implementation requires expert guidance. With Lifeline™, you gain – a cost-effective, ongoing advisory relationship – the support needed to resolve specific conceptual and technical issues involved in implementing SAP solutions. Our Principals – working a combination of onsite and remote – lends understanding of how to leverage SAP software and implement effectively. We will be your trusted advisor when you need us most.
We will create with your team, solid program and project management and monitor your progress in order to identify potential problems. As a result, your effectiveness in implementing complex programs will increase. Our goal is to see you self-sufficient. Our Partners resolve the challenges involved in implementing SAP and provide guidance and oversight in:
Program / Project Management Advisory Services – Provides guidance in managing multiple SAP solution implementations, legacy integration, and complex multiphase SAP implementations; all by optimizing resources, maintaining quality standards, and delivering on-time and within budget. Provides true expert advice and leadership – informed by experience, best practices and proven methodologies – to design and manage the implementation of SAP projects.
Organizational Change Management – Helps managers and employees understand, adopt and adapt to new demands in thinking and behaving – and the new requirements for competencies and skills – that result from an SAP implementation.
A Kreft Group Partner is a trusted advisor who works with you to manage your implementation, providing you with the confidence you need to get the most from your investment.
We assist you to manage multiple goals, anticipate problems, and increase the effectiveness of your program. As a result, your resources are optimized, quality standards are maintained, and delivery emerges on-time and within-budget.
Our stand alone Project Initiation Service provides your organization with critical perspective:
Our team is experienced in applying proven methodologies and best practices. Kreft Group offers a full spectrum of services to achieve your objectives quickly and cost-effectively. We serve as a strategic advisor and act as a senior member of your implementation team. We even take full responsibility for consulting partners if requested.
Experienced project managers know that change management is one of the main success factors in SAP projects. Implementing SAP software usually involves various organizational, technological, and social changes. Change management focuses on the effects that these changes have on managers and employees.
We understand the integral process for managing change – from business processes and systems, to organizational structure, to skills, mindset, and behavior. We consider change and the management of change as an integral part of implementing SAP.
Our practice integrates the Change Management discipline into all program activities and can either augment an existing Change Management resource or help develop the discipline in a new organization.
Before you develop a new IT infrastructure, or upgrade an existing one, it is essential to assess the value of adding new solutions and processes and analyze the requirements for expanding your business operations. You need to choose the right roadmap, roll out plan and solution footprint. A Kreft Group Partner and our Principal SAP Consultants can provide you with expert guidance in identifying and quantifying potential investments, based on your business requirements. Through this service, you can obtain the business and IT strategic consulting which will help you perform such critical activities as solution planning, business process analysis, and facilitate the creation of strategic plans, implementation plans, and project or program business case development.
Our guidance is based upon the belief that sound business value is based on customer needs – rather than technology – as the only valid justification for investments. We are ROI focused and will help you be the same. We help you identify what is your real competitive advantage while gaining cost efficiency within other business-process areas.
Kreft Group Partners have extensive industry expertise, SAP product expertise, and program and executive management expertise to actively develop strategy with your team. No other Implementation Partner can match this combination. Close interaction with your business managers, ensures realistic, executable strategy with positive results.
We have unparalleled experience in corporate functions restructuring, shared service center – business process outsourcing, distribution channel strategy, IT alignment, and advanced budgeting.
Our involvement results in realistic goals and a commitment to a clear implementation path. Projects benefit from a clear rationale and defined business priorities with planned activities designed to be completed quickly.
With Kreft Group Advisory Services for SAP®, you can gain via a cost-effective, short-term engagement, independent oversight and the confidence needed to implementing SAP solutions. Other organizations talk oversight, but are they independent? Do they produce a deliverable? Are they cost effective? Our consultants – working a combination of onsite and remote – can give confidence. We provide ongoing evaluations to verify that the tools and processes needed are in place to help reduce risk and optimize your return on investments, enabling a quicker path to self-sufficiency and sustainment.
Kreft Group identifies and manages implementation risks, reviews the project's progress, and scrutinizes technical design, examining how your solution design aligns with your business needs.
The Kreft Group Project Review service provides expert insight that helps you evaluate the progress of your SAP project. It gives you the tools needed to keep the project on-track and understand potential risks and how to avoid them. It also allows you to be certain the project is meeting your company's needs.
With Kreft Group Project Review, your Management Team gains an impartial analysis of all aspects of the project, from project management to technical details. We can identify and manage implementation risks early in the process, impartially and cost effectively – and meet your long-term goals.
Our project reviews are conducted by Kreft Group Consultants; experienced executives, veterans of multiple SAP implementations who have been there and done it themselves.
Kreft Group Project Review delivers the following:
Project Review gives you the following business benefits:
The Kreft Group Solution Review service assesses the SAP design for your project and makes sure the solution meets your business objectives. It also determines whether your application design, goals, and timelines are appropriate.
Our solution reviews are conducted by senior consultants and led by a Kreft Group Program Manager, veterans of multiple SAP implementations who know the product and the industry.
With Kreft Group Solution Review, you will learn where problems may exist – and devise an effective plan to fix them. You need a second opinion. Kreft Group Solution Review delivers the following to your organization:
We work with your Project Management Team during a comprehensive on-site visit to focus on project-critical success factors.
Kreft Group Solution Review gives you the following business benefits:
The Kreft Group Development Review service enables you to review the SAP design for your project. You can ensure that the development aspect of your SAP implementation – including reports, interfaces, conversions, and enhancements – meets your business needs. We can assess whether the application design is complete, flexible, efficient, and maintainable.
With Kreft Group Development Review, we can identify project risks, and analyze key factors of your development design; ensuring that the planned solution enables you to achieve your business goals.
With Kreft Group Development Review, you gain the following business benefits: